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Developing The Whole Person

HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT refers to the process of self-actualization and learning that combines individual's mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual.

ABRAHAM MASLOW (1908-1970)

The Father of Humanistic Psychology and creator of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation"

Self-Actualization Needs - Desire to become the most that one can be

Esteem Needs - Respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength and freedom

Love & Belonging Needs - Friendship, intimacy, family, series of connection

Safety Needs - Personal security, employment, resources, health and property

Physiological Needs - Air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing and reproduction

Physiological Needs

These include the survival needs such as the need for sleep, food, air and reproduction.

Safety Needs

These refer to the need for security and protection.

Love & Belonging Needs

The need for interpersonal relationships motivates behavior.

Esteem Needs

Refer to the need for respect, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Esteem needs are the basis for the human desire that we all have to be accepted and valued by others.

Self-Actualization Needs

This means the growth of an individual toward fulfillment of the highest needs; those for meaning in life, in particular.


Physical Development

A person experiences various body changes such as rapid body growth, hair growth, and muscle modifications in some parts of the body. Adolescents grow to reach their adult height and their bodies being to resemble adult body size, shape and body composition.


  1. Rapid body growth

  2. Hair growth

  3. Muscle modification

  4. Body composition

These changes are preparing them to become physically capable of biological reproduction.

Cognitive Development

This refers to the intellectual capacity of an individual. How a person talks, the range of ideas he expresses, and the things he talks about, as well as his values and mental alertness give evidence of his mental capacity.

  1. This is the beginning to think from concrete to abstract terms.

  2. Problems are now being evaluated logically and scientifically.

  3. These changes in problem-solving and thinking abilities happen concurrently with their social, emotional, and moral development.

  4. The brain continues to develop, increasing the capacity to memorize, performing more complicated process of information organization and retrieval.

FRONTAL LOBE - Part of the brain which enables humans to control sexual and emotional impulses.

Psychological Development

These are changes in the emotions, feelings, moods, and manner of thinking of persons. The process of self-evaluation which leads to long-range goal setting, emotional and independence, and maturity.


The term "social" refers to the interactions and relations that take place between people. Virtually, all aspects of society are social. Society is a group of people who co-exist in an organized manner.


Spirituality refers to a religious process of re-formation which "aims to recover the original shape of man," oriented at "the image of God" as exemplified by the founders and sacred texts of the religions of the world.

The Adolescents start pondering on questions concerning:

- Existence

- Essence

- Spirituality

- Religion

- God

Adolescents also entertain and try to answer the existential questions:

- Who am I?

- What brought me here?

- What is the essence of life?

- What happens after death?


THOUGHTS may refer to "the ideas" or "arrangements of ideas" that result from thinking, the act and process of producing thoughts.

FEELING is a state of consciousness, such as resulting from emotions, sentiments, or desires.

BEHAVIOR refers to the "range of actions and mannerisms" made by individuals, organisms, systems, or artificial entities in conjunction with themselves of their environment.


This refers to a "psychological model encompassing the interrelationships of thought, actions, and feelings, surrounding an event."


- It is a form of mental health treatment.

- Depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and substance use disorders.

- If your situation doesn't change, try to change your thoughts then your feelings and actions will change as well.

Why is there a need for a person to have an evaluation of his or her thoughts, feelings, and behavior?

Because there are rapid changes and shifts in person's Cognitive Triangle.


- Normally conscious and sensitive individuals, they are easily affected by the criticisms and by what other people say about them (PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL).

- Always want to look good to other people and worry about their imperfections.

- Characterized by self-centeredness, narcissism or self-love and paranoia or unreasonable feeling that people are trying to harm you.

- Some adolescents have thoughts of being invincible, that nothing bad will happen to them no matter what they do.

- Adolescents also think that they are not loved by their parents.

- Adolescents should also remember that we always have a choice on how we will look at things.

"If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into a place."

Lao Tzu

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